Huddle Up | A closer look at coach Ravi K. Sitlani's playbook

Hey The Fly Fans!

Today, we're stepping off the field and into the strategic mind of our 2024 Swift men’s Head Coach, Ravi K. Sitlani. With a lacrosse career spanning over four decades, coach Sitlani’s insights offer a playbook beyond the usual Xs and Os.

From the Stick to the Sidelines | The Sitlani Story

Coach Sitlani didn't just stumble upon lacrosse; it was a rite of passage. His older brother introduced him to the game at Stockport Grammar School, sparking a lifelong passion. Little did he know, this was just the beginning of a 43-year journey that would lead him to the helm of on of the eight teams in The Fly Sixes Lacrosse league.

Off the Field | The Man Behind the Whistle

It's not all lacrosse and drills, though. When he's not orchestrating wins on the field, coach Sitlani is a massive fan of the arts—musicals, theatre, and Disney films to be precise. This love for storytelling and drama translates into his coaching, where every game is a narrative of resilience and triumph.

On the Field | The Talent Radar

One talent on coach Sitlani’s radar as one to watch out for is Hustle’s Alex Russell. He's a player who embodies the Sixes Lacrosse spirit—committed, skilled, and always raising the bar. For coach Sitlani, his role is all about nurturing his athletes to grow with the format and soar beyond expectations.

The Highlight Reel | A Coach’s Milestone

A standout moment for coach Sitlani? Coaching at The World Games in Alabama in 2022 alongside British Lacrosse Head Coach, Tom Wenham. It was an historic debut for our British Lacrosse Sixes team, marking a significant step in our journey to the LA28 Olympics.

Looking Forward | The Road to LA28

As we charge towards LA28, coach Sitlani envisions a strategy of "More The Fly, More Sixes." It’s about honing our skills, embracing the game's evolution, and providing a launchpad for our athletes to shine on the Olympic stage.

So, let’s lace up, The Fly Squad. With coach Sitlani's game plan and our collective hustle, the sky's not the limit—it's our starting line.

Stay Swift. Stay The Fly.


5 reasons to watch The Fly Sixes Lacrosse league